Monday, August 13, 2007

Motor City Trends

Motor City Trends
Originally uploaded by buckshot.jones
How did this all go wrong? Detroit, the entire region, is such a study in contrasts. On when hand we have one of greatest collections of urban decay and ruin in a modern city- at least a modern city never pelted with missiles from invading armies. This abandonment is in the midst of some of the greatest wealth in the United States.

Truthfully the question is bogus; a complete non- starter. Over the last 40 years the one skill people in the area have developed to perfection is finger pointing. Detroiters, city and suburban alike, can point fingers with the best of them. Enough already. I am at the point where I don’t care who’s at fault. It simply doesn’t matter. The better questions are where do we go from here? How do we build on what’s left of the shambles of our once great industries?

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