Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The roadies

The roadies
Originally uploaded by buckshot.jones
The idea sounded like fun- A road trip with the entire extended family, start in Detroit, loop through canyon country in Utah and head on home. The trip was organized by my older sister Kim, heretofore known as Sarge. Good thing. Trying to herd rougly 20 people, 8 of whom were under 18, is not a task for the weak willed.

So off we went in our caravan of 5 cars, assorted bikes, camping and hiking gear. This was the second time we attempted such a road trip, so some of us were old hands and knew what to expect. I told my sister- in- law, making her first trip with us, to be pateint and expect wild mood swings, much like the western landscapes.

I explained that two weeks into the ordeal she will find herself whispering, or shouting out loud, that this collection of related miscreants are a bunch jerks and if she never sees any of us again, it will be too soon. Not worry, I told her that feeling is fleeting and somewhere along I-70, heading east in Kansas, she will think, "This was a riot. Let's go to Glacier next year! And bring the dogs."

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